What Is The Fastest Way To Sell Your House

If you’re looking to sell your home as quickly as possible, various methods can help you achieve a speedy sale. Factors such as location, market conditions, and the specific approach can impact the time it takes to sell your property. To help you understand the potential timeframes, we’ve compiled a table comparing the average sell and closing times for each method. Take a look at the information below to determine the fastest way to sell your house based on your unique circumstances.


Method Average Sell Time (Days) Average Days to Close
Selling to a cash buyer or real estate investor 7-14 7-14
Transferring property to a relative 7-21 7-21
Pricing your home competitively 14-30 30-45
Home staging 14-30 30-45
High-quality photographs and marketing 14-45 30-45
Streamlined online listings 14-45 30-45
Offering incentives 14-45 30-45
Working with an experienced real estate agent 30-60 30-60
Making necessary repairs and upgrades 30-60 30-60
Holding open houses and showings 30-60 30-60
Being flexible with showings and negotiations 30-60 30-60


Now that you have an overview of the different methods and their average sell and closing times, you can explore in greater depth to determine the most suitable approach for your situation. Times are based on rounded averages and could be quicker or slower based upon each individual property.

Keep in mind that your specific circumstances, property condition, and local market dynamics can also impact the time it takes to sell your home. By understanding these factors and seeking professional guidance as needed, you can make informed decisions and navigate the home-selling process with confidence.


Why Is The Real Estate Investor Home Buyer The Fastest?

The real estate investor home buyer is often the fastest option for selling your home because they usually offer a streamlined process and fewer contingencies. Unlike traditional buyers, investors often pay cash, eliminating the need for mortgage approval and reducing closing time.

With fewer financing-related delays and a focus on expediency, investor home buyers can close the deal more rapidly, helping you sell your property in the shortest possible timeframe.


What About A Home In Need Of Repairs?

A home buyer investor specializes in purchasing properties in various conditions, including homes in need of repairs. They typically buy these properties at a discounted price, considering the cost of repairs and potential for profit.

Unlike traditional home buyers who may be looking for a move-in ready property, investor buyers see the potential in homes that require work and often have the resources and experience to handle the renovations.

By working with a home buyer investor, homeowners with properties in need of repairs can sell their homes faster and avoid the hassle and expense of making the improvements themselves. See article: How Property Condition Influences Sale Speed and Closing Time


Why Do Investors Like Needed Repair Properties?

Investor home buyers like properties in need of repairs because they often present an opportunity for profit. By purchasing such properties at a discounted price, they can invest in necessary renovations and then resell the home at a higher price, thus generating returns on their investment.

Investors would like a property that doesn’t need repairs, but repairs are where an investor home buyer can find possible profit for the deal.

Additionally, investor buyers are experienced in handling various repair projects and have access to resources and networks that enable them to execute renovations efficiently and cost-effectively. This expertise allows them to identify properties with the potential for improvement and capitalize on the opportunity to increase the home’s value through strategic repairs and upgrades.


Why Does Speed Matter For A Home Sale

The speed of a home sale can have a significant impact on a seller’s financial and personal well-being. A quick and efficient sale process helps alleviate stress, minimize carrying costs, and allows the seller to move forward with their plans.

Speed matters for a home sale from a seller’s perspective for several reasons:

    1. Financial Relief: Sellers may be facing financial difficulties, such as mortgage arrears, job loss, or mounting debts, and a quick sale can alleviate financial stress.
    2. Life Events: Urgent situations like relocating for a new job, health concerns, or family matters may require a speedy sale to move forward with minimal disruption.
    3. Reduced Carrying Costs: A faster sale means fewer ongoing expenses, like property taxes, insurance, utilities, and maintenance costs, that add up over time.
    4. Minimizing Stress: Selling a home can be a stressful process; a quicker sale reduces the duration of that stress and allows the seller to focus on their next steps.
    5. Avoiding Market Shifts: A speedy sale can help sellers avoid potential changes in market conditions, such as decreasing property values or increased competition.

By achieving a fast home sale, sellers can meet their financial and personal objectives more efficiently and move on to the next chapter of their lives.


Why Does It Take A Realtor Longer To Sell A House?

Realtors may take longer to sell a house compared to investors because they primarily cater to traditional home buyers, who often have specific requirements and seek move-in ready properties. This can lead to more time spent on repairs, staging, and marketing the property to attract the right buyers.

Additionally, potential buyers typically require mortgage approvals, and inspections which can cause delays in the process. In contrast, investors purchase homes in any condition, bypassing the need for repairs and showings, and they usually pay in cash, eliminating financing-related delays.

This difference in approach makes investor home sales generally much faster than those involving realtors. Learn more about how Will differs compared to a realtor click here



In conclusion, the time it takes to sell your home and receive the money in your pocket can vary greatly depending on the method you choose. Opting for a cash buyer or real estate investor can reduce the average sell and closing times to as few as 7-14 days, while other methods such as working with an experienced real estate agent or making necessary repairs and upgrades may take 30-60 days.

This is especially beneficial for homeowners facing financial hardships, health concerns, or other life events that necessitate a speedy sale. It’s essential to carefully evaluate your unique situation and consult with a professional to make an informed decision that best suits your needs and ensures a smooth, efficient home-selling process.


About Me

A family man and successful entrepreneur with a passion for real estate. Founder of Will Buy's Houses, Will utilizes his experience in property investments to help clients navigate the complexities of selling homes when time and condition can impede...Read More.

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