So, you want the evaluation quicker and without filling out a form?

24 Hours, or less…

No Form to Fill Out!

The Evaluation Form Service

Do you really need it?

That is for you to answer, but if you are thinking of selling…wouldn’t it be nice to know the outcomes of listing with a Realtor vs. say, selling to Me?

In Your Pocket

Know what will end up in your pocket! Yes, you will know the listing price range and all the fees for each way of selling. What you can expect from a realtor or an investor.

How Long it Takes

Closing times vary based on the buyer. Get average current days until closing. How long does it take after the acceptence. Know when you get your money.

Current Market Value

The average listing price is usually very close to the current market value. However, the additional pricing trend provided assists you in knowing the chance of selling.

All The Fees

As in most things, traditional methods have a lot of middle men involved. You will know what fees will be charged to you that will come out of you bottom line.

Time Sensative?

The road ahead depends on it!

Yes, The road ahead sometimes depends upon the executive desicion you may make today…

That is why it is important to know your range of outcomes.


By starting with a this Expedited Evaluation, or going back to the Free Evaluation page you will get an understanding form different points of view what your home is worth.


Ask questions at anytime. The idea is for you to get something out of this that will benefit you. I will have an offer as part of the Evaluation…communicate with me, feel free to ask how to improve your offer.


Once you have all the information, you can make a decision to hold of, go with a realtor, or sell with me. It is your decision and there are no oblications regarding any offer I provided.


24 hours or it’s FREE

Once you check out, I have 24 hours to get the information sent to you otherwise your refunded when the evaluation response is sent to you.

This is beneficial when you may have time constraints or a need to sell by a certain date.


24 Hours or Less

In 24 hours or less I will have your Expedited Evalualtion sent out to you. If not, I will refund your credit card back.

No Form to Fill Out

Save time, I will have the address and contact information based off of the credit card charge. The Free Evaluation has several questions to help eliminate nosey neighbors.

Recommend a Realtor

Yep, not interested working with me? I can recommend a good realtor or two in the area of your property address.

Need More Time

Not in a rush? That is fine too! Let’s face it, it is your house, your decision, and your time…What’s best for you?

Let’s get it done!


Knowledge Is Power.

Yes, it may sound like a cliché, but it is…You will have an understanding of how much money and when and understand why, with a prediction of market pricing trend.

$ In Your Pocket

Know how much you get after all the hidden fees.

TIme Till $

Know in laws of averages when you will close.

Address Comp’s

Know what other houses sold for like yours.

Market Trend

Know the trend line of current pricing…Is it up, steady, or down?

I debated on this, but decided to do it. after receiving it made sense. I could see that I would most likely not sell in time before foreclosure auction date.

05Rick F.

I never thought about it before. A lot of fees can come off of the selling price!

Mick A.

"I didn't really understand how long it may take to sell a house. "

Tammy S.

"The property evaluation really helped me understand my home's true value, making it easier to plan my next move with confidence."

Carlos R.

"The property evaluation gave us valuable insights into our home's worth, making our decision to downsize a more informed and less worrisome choice."

Ted & Pam B.

Simple pricing.

Free Evaluation

A comparative value guide to your house based on current market conditions


Per address

Expedited Evaluation

Same as Free, but recieved in 24 hours or less, and no form needed.


Per address

Notice: You can learn more about our Terms of Service

Don’t Forget

You Can Learn More First

Yes, you are not obligated to pay now. Click the button below and it will take you to the Blog Page. There you can search or navigate around to educate your self at your own conveience.